Its time to invest in your homeworkers
If there is one major positive to emerge from having a large percentage of the UK workforce working from home - its that many companies have now had an enforced look at the benefits of having their staff working in this way. Employers have seen first hand what all of the reports have been screaming for years. Staff who work from home are not only more productive, they are generally happier and more loyal too.
A recent Yougov survey suggests that a massive 1/3 of those currently home-working expect to continue for up to 3 days a week - rising to a staggering 4 in 5 who expect to be doing at least 1 day a week from home. Clearly employers will need to consider a number of factors that this new way of working will make a priority.
Security is always at the fore of any considerations. Using a standard home broadband connection potentially opens up the content of your laptop to the world. Bandwidth for your connections is key. The last thing you need in the middle of a Zoom call is for little Johnny to fire up his Xbox and be stuck into Call of Duty - ensuring that to other participants of your call you resemble a 1980s breakdancer!
Here at VOOT we’d like you to consider at the very least, a separate business-grade broadband connection in your home, dedicated for business use only. We can supply you with a separate router, a static IP, a fast internet connection that won’t be impacted on by other home users and work with your IT supplier (or ours) to ensure that your firewall is working for you, and giving you access to your remote information, whether thats cloud based or sitting on a server in your central HQ.
If you’d like us to give you a call to discuss this - pop your details below and we’ll give you a call. Thanks for reading, and stay safe! (With your work date too!)