Price rises affecting the UK
Voot has been in existence nearly 15 years now. The last 15 years has seen huge changes and advances in telecoms, most visibly since lockdown and the widespread acceptance of homeworking.
During those 15 years I've had an almost annual increase in wholesale pricing for the main products we buy from Openreach, the latest being nearly 16% for some products. And in those 15 years I've never passed it on to my amazingly loyal clients, and chosen to absorb the increases by adding more and more clients annually. Despite my contractual terms and conditions allowing me to.
Sadly this year I've had to make the very difficult decision to apply the contractual rise of RPI plus 3.9%, and I'm gutted about it (partly because I can no longer boast that we've never put anybody's bills up).
As a result of adding more and more clients each year I've now invested in a full time service engineer (Simon who is amazing) and (the ever popular) Kerry continues to deliver really efficient support to all our existing clients too.
And next week we have another new addition to the business, James, who will deal with new business sales. All of this will mean I have more time to visit all of those loyal clients and we can discuss how we can work more efficiently together to deliver savings on those bills that unfortunately have to rise this year.
Voot has grown (and shrunk when necessary) to adapt to a rapidly changing industry sector. I'm confident that the changes we've made will deliver a more efficient business to continue serving all of our clients, and I have everything crossed that we can also continue to deliver the very personal service that we have built our reputation on.
In short. I'm so sorry I've had to raise the prices but rest assured I'm going to work my socks off to make it worthwhile.
Thank you so much for your continued custom.
Love, Nige x